Leadership in a Word - TEAMS! Part 2
In the previous entry I offered some reasons why some leaders might choose to operate in a lone ranger fashion rather than on a team. However, any of those reasons can be overcome if the leader has a strong desire to work in teams. Is the desire lacking because you don’t even know the advantages of Team Ministry?
Let’s brainstorm on a few of the advantages for a leader, and even the ministry, if teams are utilized.
1. Teams utilize multiple gifts. Anytime a variety of gifts are combined then the more effective and successful the planning is for a ministry.
2. Teams allow for more people to be involved in ministry and more people to be reached… no need to say more
3. One person only has so many creative ideas, but multiple team members bring a never ending supply of ideas. In addition, teams that are always evolving and changing which encoourages fresh creativity and new ideas from different perspectives, generational views, cultures, backgrounds, etc.
4. Teams are fun! It is fun to experience the amazing hand of God alongside a group of co-laborers in Christ! Your best friend might be found on a team :-)
5. Teams are biblical and if Christ modeled ministry through teams then we will obviously be more effective if we do the same.
Bottom line… teams are so much more beneficial than working solo in ministry or in a directive manner with a few people assigned to assist you. Teams benefit the leader, the team members, the ministry, the church family. Why wouldn’t everyone choose to “do ministry” on a team? Might it be that the leader doesn’t know how to recruit a team? Let’s look at that challenge in the next entry.
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