Favorite Resources

As a leader it's vital to continue learning and growing - vital for you and for your ministry. There are so many amazing resources at our fingertips now that help us grow as a leader, no matter what your role you hold. Here are some of my favorite resources!


Leadership and Church Growth:

Greg Atkinson                                              http://gregatkinson.com/       
Church Communications                              https://churchcommunications.com/
The Unstuck Group (Tony Morgan)             https://theunstuckgroup.com/
Thom Rainer                                                 https://thomrainer.com/
Unseminiary (Rich Birch)                             https://unseminary.com/
Carey Nieuwhof                                            https://careynieuwhof.com/
Preaching Donkey (Lane Sebring)                https://preachingdonkey.com/blog

Spiritual Growth:

Josh Daffern                                                https://www.joshdaffern.com/
Proverbs 31                                                 https://proverbs31.org/
Lysa Terkeurst                                             https://lysaterkeurst.com/

Unseminary                                         https://unseminary.com/aboutpodcast/
Carey Nieuwhof                                   https://careynieuwhof.com/mypodcast/
Church Communications                     https://churchcommunications.com/podcast/
Replant and revitalize                         
Andy Stanley Leadership                    https://andystanley.com/podcast/
Pro Church Tools
Church Leaders                                  https://churchleaders.com/category/podcast
Craig Groeschel                                  https://www.craiggroeschel.com/leadershippodcast
Linch with a Leader (yes - spelled Linch, not lunch)   http://mikelinch.com/category/podcast/
Rainer on Leadership                          https://thomrainer.com/podcast-2/
Social Media Church                           http://www.socialmedia.church/
The Making Sunday Happen Podcast 
Solving Problems                               https://solvingproblemspodcast.com/
Leading Second                                 https://www.leadingsecond.com/podcasts-archive

Church Growth Resources

I recently earned a Church Consultation Certification from Church Consultation University (https://churchconsultation.university/) and through the course I gained amazing resources, tools, and ideas on how to encourage church leaders and churches. 

Here are a few of my favorite church growth resources I gained through taking the course: 

1. Percepts Group - Do you know your community? I mean really know your community so you can know what they think, what their challenges are, actual age and ethnic demographics? Percepts Group can help you get to know demographics and psycho graphics of your community. You choose the mile radius and they send you a detailed report so  you will have a better understanding of how to reach the people surrounding your church. http://www.perceptgroup.com/

2. Envelope3 - For about $20/year you can subscribe to this resource that will help you with budget analysis and comparison, stay on top of budget data and trends, and participate in a peer to peer community forum. https://envelope3.com/

4. Church Answers  - For less than $15/month you can connect with a team of experts to help you grow as a leader in the local church. This forum offers a place to ask questions and seek advice on any topic you can imagine. In addition you get to participate in a monthly staff meeting with Dr. Thom Rainer focusing on a variety of topics pertaining to leading in a church. https://churchanswers.com/