
Showing posts from March, 2020

4 Favorite Church Growth Resources

I recently earned a Church Consultation Certification from Church Consultation University ( and through the course I gained amazing resources, tools, and ideas on how to encourage church leaders and churches. I love reading books on church growth. I love learning about new methods or processes that might help spur ministry growth. Here are a few of my favorite books and resources I've come across recently, either through the consultation course or through other avenues: 1.  Percepts Group  - Do you know your community? I mean really know your community so you can know what they think, what their challenges are, actual age and ethnic demographics? Percepts Group can help you get to know demographics and psycho graphics of your community. You choose the mile radius and they send you a detailed report so  you will have a better understanding of how to reach the people surrounding your church. 2....

Leadership in a Word - TEAMS! Part 3

Leadership 101 in a Word – Teams! Part 3 In my last entry I took a look at some of the benefits of ministering on a team instead of alone or in directive manner to a few people assigned to assist you. One reason some leaders choose to try and operate without an effective team is because they do not know how to recruit team members so let’s spend some time talking about how to do this effectively.   Are you a leader who people want to follow? This is the core problem for many “managers” who desire to be “leaders.” If you don’t have people following your lead, then you are not leading. Commit to learning how to lead and these 5 simple steps might help you get started recruiting a team. 1.     People watch! A hobby for some, but a necessity in recruiting teams. Look around you all the time – focus on the people who surround you. God has formed the church family for just the time as this so there is a purpose for every attendee or member.  2. Brain...

When Women Lead

As a woman with the spiritual gifts of leadership and administration I've been blessed to be able to serve at a church that believes in allowing women to lead. My home church takes a strong, biblical stance concerning men holding the spiritual oversight roles of pastor and elder, but appreciates the contributions women make in other lay and staff roles. However, even with that said, it's challenging to be a woman in a key leadership role on a church staff. I serve mostly alongside men in the role I am in now. In most every meeting I attend I am either the only female team member, or in the overwhelming minority. In the years of leading alongside men I've learned a lot. Here are a few of the key points I want to share to help other women lead. 1. Know your gifts, your strengths, your skills, and your weaknesses. This is so important for any leader actually, whether male or female. However, as a female serving alongside men in an organization typically managed by men, i...