
Showing posts from July, 2019

Why Org Charts?

Seems like a simple thing, doesn't it? Feels a little old school maybe? Putting your team structure into a document might feel like you are even trying to focus on the hierarchy in some ways. But there are so many advantages to creating an team organization chart. Let's talk about them. 1. First of all, do you even know all the names of everyone on your team, in your ministry area, or in your organization? When you walk down the hall, or have an all-staff meeting, or enter a room full of people do you know how some of the people serve? If you bump into someone and have time to chat, can you thank them for how committed they are to the security team, or on the first impression team, or to the community group they lead? I've found that by keeping an org chart updated I can keep names and faces on my mind so I can thank and encourage the people on my teams when I see them. I can remember to pray for them as well. 2.  Another reason I've found for keeping an updated org...

A Few Good Reads

Here is part 2 of a summary of a few resources I've recently read that have been an encourgement to me in church leadership. Hope it's helpful! 1. Tony Morgan and the Unstuck Group help churches all over the country become “unstuck” through sometimes simple, sometimes difficult and challenging, but always strategic changes. I grew in my appreciation for Tony’s wisdom as a church consultant when I took part in his Coaching Network a few years back and I never miss reading his latest blog or book. So, needless to say, I read his latest book,  The Unstuck Church – equipping churches to experience sustained growth , as soon as it came out last year. This book requires humility and an honest look at yourself as a leader as well as the overall health of your church. But, if we don't do that and we reach a point of surviving on life support then our focus can’t be on leading people to Jesus, can it? Tony walks the reader through 7 stages of a church life cycle in a clear an...

Leadership in a Word - TEAMS! Part 2

In the previous entry I offered some reasons why some leaders might choose to operate in a lone ranger fashion rather than on a team. However, any of those reasons can be overcome if the leader has a strong desire to work in teams. Is the desire lacking because you don’t even know the advantages of Team Ministry? Let’s brainstorm on a few of the advantages for a leader, and even the ministry, if teams are utilized. 1.  Teams utilize multiple gifts. Anytime a variety of gifts are combined then the more effective and successful the planning is for a ministry.    2.  Teams allow for more people to be involved in ministry and more people to be reached… no need to say more 3.   One person only has so many creative ideas, but multiple team members bring a never ending supply of ideas. In addition, teams that are always evolving and changing which encoourages fresh creativity and new ideas from different perspectives, generational views, cultures...

Hi and welcome to my blog!

It is my desire that in these posts you will find encouragement as you seek to grow in your skills as a leader, and you may even discover nuggets of encouragement to help you grow in your faith! I also hope this blog equips you with resources and tools as you seek to develop your leadership and organizational skills, build teams, and lead others well.  I'm sharing from my experiences and would love to learn what you've seen work as well. I love networking, and I hope this site will help us get to know each other and share ideas so we can grow together as leaders. Check out the About Cindy page to get to know a little more about me. I'd love to know more about you so feel free to send me a message on the Contact Form, or comment on this post. Making a difference in other's lives is fun, fulfilling, and often allows us to see God's hand at work, but it can also be hard, challenging, and exhausting at times... so let's do this together! Hope to meet you...

Leadership in a Word - TEAMS!

Teams  are the foundation of an effective leadership culture. Teams eliminate the lone ranger or Superman mentalities among staff.  No single person in your organization is equipped to handle every situation or make every decision and anyone who thinks she or he is causes a bottleneck to creativity and growth in the organization.  Jesus Christ was well equipped to do any aspect of ministry and yet he modeled team ministry throughout his three years of ministry. Why would we think we could be the best at leading ministry all alone if he didn't do it?  For some leaders developing a team is the most challenging aspect of their job. Why is this? Let's look at a few common reasons:  ·           Time  - It takes time to recruit other leaders for a team – time that involves getting to know the individuals at a level that reveals their gifts, passions, personalities, strengths and weaknesses. ·   ...