Why Org Charts?
Seems like a simple thing, doesn't it? Feels a little old school maybe? Putting your team structure into a document might feel like you are even trying to focus on the hierarchy in some ways. But there are so many advantages to creating an team organization chart. Let's talk about them. 1. First of all, do you even know all the names of everyone on your team, in your ministry area, or in your organization? When you walk down the hall, or have an all-staff meeting, or enter a room full of people do you know how some of the people serve? If you bump into someone and have time to chat, can you thank them for how committed they are to the security team, or on the first impression team, or to the community group they lead? I've found that by keeping an org chart updated I can keep names and faces on my mind so I can thank and encourage the people on my teams when I see them. I can remember to pray for them as well. 2. Another reason I've found for keeping an updated org...